Food & Drinks

We serve you some of the finest food around. Within the principles of farm to table and the slow food movement, we do our best to only serve you local handcrafted products of high quality.

Cafe Le Tour

Yellow fever at the campsite. Enjoy your afternoon coffee, ice cream or croissant, while watching your daily stage of the Tour de France.


Our sourdough bread and danish pastry is freshly made every morning and collected at the region’s renowned Pabst Bakery.

Daily Dish - Moen Camping

Daily dish

During the summer we offer you a green based daily dish at the campsite. The dish is served from our food truck.

Isle of Moen Gin - Moen Camping


During your stay, we provide you with the local draft beer from Bryghuset Møn and you can taste our very local Isle of Møn Gin produced 5 km from the campsite. We also offer you a variety of natural wines.


Hårbølle is famous for the artisanal cheese produced at Hårbølle Mejeri. Every week we get a new supply and freshly made cheese from our neighbour Ole.

Ice cream

An ice cream a day. At Møn Camping we collect our ice cream locally at Møn Is. You can also visit the Møn Is farm and dairy while you stay at the campsite.


Freshly baked sourdough bread

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Burger - Hårbølle Havnehøker

Burger joint in Hårbølle Havn

With the great people from @haarboellehavnehoeker, we have opened a burger joint in Hårbølle Havn. All key ingredients are local, fresh and made from scratch. Angus beef from Ulvshale and brioche buns from @pabst_bakery. We love our new crew and are very proud of the burger and fries. Hope you will drop by and try it out🍔☀️


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